Title: America’s Boating Course (ABC)
Location: Clews and Strawbridge, 310 Lancaster Ave, Frazer, PA 19355
Cost: $20
Date: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Registration: Register using the form at the bottom of this page, or contact Wayne Barrett directly.
Contact: Wayne Barrett (wrfbarrett@gmail.com)
The ABC boating course is designed for the operators of power, sail, paddle, personal watercraft, and fishing boats. The course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators and recognized by the United States Coast Guard. It meets Pennsylvania’s requirements to obtain a Pennsylvania Boating Safety Education Certificate which is honored by most nearby states.
America’s Boating Course topics include:
- Getting Started: types of power boats; sailboats; outboards; paddle boats; houseboats and personal watercraft.
- Required Safety Equipment: personal flotation devices ("life jackets"); fire extinguishers; sound-producing devices; visual-distress signals; dock lines and rope; first aid kit; anchors and anchor lines; other boating safety equipment.
- Going Boating: how to get started with using your boat.
- Navigation Rules: navigation rules (sometimes referred to as right-of-way rules); avoiding collisions.
- Navigation Aids: the U.S. Aids to Navigation system; types of buoys and beacons
- Lights and Sounds: required running lights and sound signals
- Government Regulations: boat registration; boating regulation; hull identification number; required boat safety equipment; operating safely and reporting accidents; protecting the marine environment; Federal boat law; state boating laws; personal watercraft requirements.
- Pennsylvania & Local Regulations
- Finding your way: Use of nautical charts, GPS and navigation tools.
- Anchoring: ; choosing and using an anchor
- Adverse conditions and emergencies:
- Communications Afloat: use of marine radios.
- Water Sports Safety: Water-skiing safety guidelines and hand signals; water-skiing with a PWC; navigating rivers, and other boating tips.
- Trailering: types of trailers; trailer brakes, lights, hitches, tires, and bearings; loading, balancing, and towing (and backing) a trailer; boat launching and retrieving
- PWC Operations
- Knots and Lines
First name, last name, email address, and phone number are required for registration.