Title: Emergencies on Board
Location: Stetson M.S., 1060 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, PA 19382
Cost: $20
Dates: Thursday, Oct 19, 2023
Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Registration: Register by going to Chester County Lifelong Learning. https://chestercountynightschool.org/CourseStatus.awp?&course=23FSP1383B
Contact: Russ Jones (wrjones3@verizon.net)
Emergencies on Board
Be prepared for a variety of boating mishaps, medical emergencies, and other crises! Prevention and preparation make all the difference. This seminar will prepare you to handle common emergencies that can happen when you are on your boat and away from the dock, whether you venture out for the day or are leaving on a longer cruise. You will learn how to deal with them as they occur and especially when the skipper is unable to respond. You will gain an understanding of the most common types of vessel emergencies and how to deal with them, how to handle onboard fires, how to recognize and prepare for medical emergencies and how to communicate with crew, other boats, and first responders.